runner bean progress
This photo shows the progress of the last planting of runner beans back in July provided the weather stays reasonable we should get a crop from about mid September.

Picked the last good feed on November 1st.

This last photo was taken on Sept.22nd when we returned from our annual weeks holiday so we have a good crop to look forward to.
We have had a good feed Sunday 27th September
Picked the last good feed on November 1st.
Starting begonia corms
lt is 2nd March and I am starting my begonia corms. With them having several growth buds you can if you want cut the corms so that each section has a growth on it and increase the number of plants. I do not like doing this as the cut area cannot form any roots, so you get a reduced root system and it is possible to attract fungal disease . As you will see I cover the corm with compost, this is so that any water collecting in the hollow that is often on the top of the corm will be absorbed and not lay to start rotting the corm but more important it means that all the corm can form roots giving a much better plant.
Begonia cutting rooted
The begonia cutting I took has now rooted and I have poted it up to grow on. By the winter it should form a nice new corm. I prefrer to do this rather than cut tubers up as yoy get a much better root system with a complete tuber .

Some of my begonias 2009
I grow Blackmore & Langdon begonias, they are expensive to buy but once you have one you can propagate by cuttings as I have shown.
Parsnips in container
As well as growing the carrots and potatoes in containers I am also trying some parsnips in an old kitchen refuse bin .

parsnips from container
We had the first few parsnips from the container today Sunday 23rd August. They are small but very tasty and are really only thinings which I can get out using a can of water to loosen them first.

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